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Hungary's climate is temperate continental. Located in central Europe, gets all sorts of climatic influences, from temperature extremes continental Mediterranean via ocean hues.

The coldest month is January (-1 ° C), and the hottest August (21.3 C). The total number of hours of sunshine is 1,785 (1996 data). As for precipitation, rain in Budapest occur regularly in autumn and spring, mostly in November, February and March, and their average hours of sunshine a year usually exceed 2,000. Precipitation in the form of snow are not abundant. Hungary and Budapest in particular, can be visited all year round, even in winter, when it has a special charm. The most pleasant, when the landscape shows its splendor, are spring and autumn, while in summer, when temperatures are higher, the highest influx of passengers. On the web for information on weather in Hungary weather forecasts are available daily. The local time is GMT +1, as in Spain. In summer there is a schedule change from the last weekend of March until the last weekend of October one hour later, as in Spain.