The same rules governing movement in force in most European countries and are compliant with international agreements in Geneva and Vienna. We would, however, draw your attention to some points:
* In Hungary it is forbidden to consume alcohol for drivers even in small quantities, the level of blood alcohol to be 0.00. (Before you can not drive or consume a glass of beer.) When drunk driver the police removed the license on the spot.
* In the car can be fixed using radios. Vehicles in two or three wheels can not be used in any mobile.
* Cars must use the lamp day and night outside the towns. Motorcyclists and scooters should be used always and everywhere.
* It is mandatory to wear seatbelts in the front seats and in rear seats. In the front seat should not travel for children under 12 years: for younger children is recommended to use special seat.
* It is forbidden to use the horn in residential areas, except to avoid an accident.
* The drivers of motorcycles and scooters as well as his companions are forced to use a helmet.
* In general the curves near the crossing at level crossings and in the steps above and just before they are forbidden to pass.
* In areas of the province need to exercise caution by the influx of horse-drawn carts, trucks and bikes, often without illumination.
* The steps are marked at 150 m before in this segment of the population outside the speed limit is 40 km / h, and in villages 30 km / h. At the level crossing is due to pass without stopping, at a minimum speed of 5 km / h. Even if the flashing lights allow, it is recommended to reduce the speed.
* This is indicated by traffic signs across the passage of bicycles.
* The speed limit signs posted at the beginning of the populated areas must be respected in the territory of the entire population.
* Vehicles found in banned parking will be towed, which is indicated below no parking signs or wait.
* On Lake Balaton can not move motor boats operating on gasoline or diesel fuel, allowing the use of electric motor.
* You can get a car damaged in the country only with a special certificate.