Topic: Budapest Party.Flag Party - Exchange Megaparty II

[b] Date: 12/11/2010 22:00 - 23:59 [/b]
Hey Everyone,

as part of the Week of Nations, we will organize a special party for you: the Flag Party!

This is the usually very popular party, where you have to wear the colours of your country’s flag! If you have anything with your flag on it, be sure to wear it that night! Who has the most original ideas? The best costumes will get a prize!

Time: 12 November (Friday), from 10PM
Place: Living Room (1053 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos u. 17.)

Entrance fee: 1000 HUF, which includes a welcome drink + you get one more shot if you have an ESN Card!

Drink discount: vodka-orange is 500 HUF, beer is 300 HUF until midnight

See you there!

The Organizers of ESN Corvinus


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