Hola Marie,
Si vas a Budapest pronto parece que vas a tener suerte y te podras estrenar con el genero de la opereta!!
Te mando la informaci´n que he encontrado de las operetas que hacen en Marzo en Budapest!!
Prince Radjami, heir to the throne of Lahore, lives the life of carefree Europeans in Paris. According to the laws of his country he must soon marry and occupy the throne of his ancestors. But he has fallen in love with Odette, the celebrated Parisian artist, who is playing the leading role in a variety hall in The Bayad?®re, an operetta with an Indian theme. The story is set in a princes palace, in an "Indian setting". The "mystic" environment of the stage helps the prince to win Odette.
Operetta performance in Hungarian, with German surtitles.
Coproduction with the St. Petersburg State Musical Comedy Theatre
Prices: 8000, 6000, 4000, 3000, 2000 HUF
Buy tickets: click here!
If all tickets are sold on the internet please call the Customer Service ( +36 1 486-3311 ) or send us an e-mail to tickets@fesztivalvaros.hu.
March 21st
Budapest Operetta Theatre, 7:00 pm
Emmerich Km. n: Die Bajadere
Operetta in two parts
Director: KERO
With: Erika Miklesa, Attila Dolhai
Who are the Bayadores Indian temple dancers and singers. They belong to the gods and show their devotion to them with dance, song and other services. The order of Bayadores admits only girls who are still in their childhood and whose parents entirely renounce them in favour of the temple. The Bayadore is not required to preserve her virginity; she can form a relationship with a man who is not from a lower class. The children of Bayadores are educated by the priests: the boys become temple musicians and the girls temple servants. The Bayadores join up in groups and travel around the country under the supervision of an elder woman leader (daja).
Operetta performance in Hungarian, with German surtitles.
Coproduction with the St. Petersburg State Musical Comedy Theatre
Prices: 8000, 6000, 4000, 3000, 2000 HUF
Buy tickets: click here!
If all tickets are sold on the internet please call the Customer Service ( +36 1 486-3311 ) or send us an e-mail to tickets@fesztivalvaros.hu.